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blog how-does-my-new-zune-compare-to-my-old-ipod

My iPod was stolen a couple of weeks in the past. Okay, actually all three of my iPods were stolen. Yes, that is right: three. And as I was rushing out to buy a new one, my boss surprised me with a gift of a new Zune. I never would have bought the Zune on my own. I’m a bit prejudiced against the Zune. I believe the iPod is cooler and I’m married to iTunes, so the Zune never really crossed my mind. Long time readers know I have written about the Zune vs. Pod a few times and have never been shy about my love of Apple. But today I must say, the new Zune is a pretty slick product. The playlist and sharing feature rival any iPod, the radio feature lets me tune into the TV at the gym, and finally I can download audio books for free through the Seattle public library. The wireless synch feature and email aren’t too bad either. But for a girl like me, the most important thing is the look and “cool factor.” And while I will still give Apple props for being the “coolest,” the slimmer model and matte black finish of the Zune has enough aesthetic appeal to keep me hooked. But probably the most “uncool” thing of all is that I am hanging out inside the new Zune social space, and I have yet to link to any “friends” so to all of you readers, if you have a Zune like me, come join me at my new profile here. -Jenna


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